NPA Committees

The NPA has several subcommittee for members to focus on areas of strategic planning. Members are invited to join a committee that aligns with their interests and skills. Committees are generally ad hoc and meet to address events, programs, and new initiatives. For more information please view the descriptions of each committee in the menu. Speak to an officer at an NPA meeting for details on becoming more involved.

Executive Committee

Comprised of the current elected officers (President, Vice President, Clerk and Treasurer) this committee meets to discuss strategic direction of the NPA. Members of the Executive Committee also serve on additional subcommittees.

Executive Committee Members:

James Dyment


Katie Sadlier


Nancy Coan


Debbie Callery

Vice President

Marketing Committee

Maintains a member communications, website, electronic newsletter and seeks to promote NPA activities to the larger community through various information outlets.

Membership Committee

Sets guidelines and conditions of membership, conducts outreach, and organizes gatherings and networking opportunities.

Special Events Committee

Works to raise the importance of NPO issues with local and state elected officials, organizes events to promote issues to the wider public, informs member agencies of vital political action items. Events include board recognition, volunteer appreciation, legislative forum, as well as other member-based initiatives.

Professional Development Committee (ad hoc)

Works to provide training opportunities and forums that promote more effective NPO operations, and seeks to share timely information with the members at large.